snippets and thoughts and stuff what i wrote

Friday, October 30, 2015

instapoem: the stoic's love poem

the birthday approach

the year begins to turn
with an ominous tick, tick, tick
my biological clock
flips a number
like a vintage alarm
about to go off
i feel like i feel
no older
the weight of years
rests about me
a mantle of memory
which slows my step
but keeps me warm
and I don't know
which is more worthwhile

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


the tears come oft unbidden
since we said goodbye
I wish my heart was hidden
I wish I didn't cry
I wish I my mind was restful
but with every other thought
I find myself regretful
that in this web I'm caught

and though you tried to cut me free
the strands still tangled are
the threads twist all around me
aspirations mangled are

I cannot rise above me
I only sink below
I'm sure that once you loved me
I'm certain that I know
against this wall I'm banging
my head in repetition
I cannot stop the ringing
unceasing, this transmission

I know you tried to cut me free
the strands still strangled are
torn and twisted round about me
as hearts all mangled are

I'm longing for asylum
I'm searching for my place
in genus, class or phylum -
taxonomy's disgrace
I fit nowhere without you
I'm awkward and ungainly
my mind is all disordered
I miss you so insanely

so why was it I smashed you up
your limbs still tangled are
overflowing was our cup
we both now mangled are

I knew you would have left us
I know you would have lied
our hearts you would have cleft, thus
it's better that you died
and here in our hotel room
the voices say I'm right
I may have killed my new groom
but it wasn't out of spite


Friday, October 02, 2015

unfinished lyrics

i loved you on a rainy day
when the blue grey skies
that match your denim eyes
wept as bitterly
as i do
here without you

i loved you under heavens dark
lit by twinkling stars
that seemed only ours
but they flickered out
as i do
here without you

and i know the sun will shine again
but will never shine as it shone then
breaking through the clouds
to smile on us
huddled in the shelter of
a doorway

and I know the night will fall again
but will never fall as it fell then
wrapping round us
as a blanket
cuddled helter-skelter in
each other

I loved you
when the dawn was breaking
when the morning sun
found we two as one
but you left me
now I'm aching
here without you

and I know the sun will rise again
but will never rise as it rose then

yes, I know that I will love again
but will never love as I loved then
under cloudy, starry, dawning skies
without you

two months later - I've finally put it to music and named it skies without you

instapoem: wet shoes

Thursday, October 01, 2015