snippets and thoughts and stuff what i wrote

Thursday, November 17, 2016

MadVerse Prompt:along the way, endless search, redemption's price, uplifted only to fall

we are told you can do anything you can be anything
just work hard, dream big, and reach for the stars
uplifted only to fall when slammed against the wall
one arm against our throat
and we whimper as he whispers
it's your fault
and... we believe...
because we got lost along the way
redemption's price too high to pay
the aftermath an endless search
for who we thought we were
and who we are

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

the next day

I am distraught
I sought sense and saw the lights flicker in the sky
and I knew a piece of peace
but now I cease to understand
as the sun rises to shine on a land
that seems no more benign and I am
tired and afraid at the hate and rage
that permeates this age
I cannot comprehend why some cannot be a friend
to those of different gender, race, creed, religion
how can you hate someone
just for loving
just for living
I try and try but hard to find my empathy
for those who bemoan the intellect
who deliberately choose not to see
that this country is best
not you against me
but striving together
as we
(we, the people
not a mob)
well done despair
you've won, good job