snippets and thoughts and stuff what i wrote

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

social medium

I wonder
if my ex
ever looks
at my Instagram.
Not that I think 
that he’s missing me.
But I’m pretty sure 
he misses my cat.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

roses are red

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
At least, those are the linguistic terms we settled on to describe what is assumed to be a shared experience of reflected light as received by receptors in the eye and transmitted to the brain...
But, who knows, really.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

WrittenRiver: image prompt - statue

eyes cast below
she mourns
the little life
she'll never know
turned to stone
by her grief
left by love
without relief
not maiden now
but not yet mother
cast aside
forever other

WrittenRiver: littered with stars

prone, eyes rise
seeking infinity
in kisses bestowed
by the summer wind
under halcyon skies
littered with stars
spelling out forever