snippets and thoughts and stuff what i wrote

Monday, June 03, 2019

Good advice

drive on,
though your vehicle
is burning
and the whole world
might stop turning-
drive on

for on the far end
your love,
he lies a'waiting
to join you in the saving

together you've survived
the Angels and the Demons
both committing treasons
in Heaven and to Hell
Holy Water and bombshell
you've fought to spend eternity
with each other, you and he

drive on, drive on, Crowley
to your Aziraphale, most holy,
so that yin and yang combine
to create true love divine

Image result for good omens gif crowley car

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

May I

once robust
unpotted and placed outside
esteem struggles to survive
valetudinarian in the silty soil the world provides

in urban cocoon we feel her heartbeat
the circadian rhythm of Gaia beneath our feet
overlaid in asphalt and unsung by the birds
in an endless summer - still, we use the words
of an earlier time and call this spring
as though seasons were still a thing
we cling to a clock, to the artificial tick-tock
of a life support beep and those who notice mourn her
and weep

she gave up the ghost quite unwilling
but once relinquished
Hope dead beyond redemption
so put back the paddles/turn off the pump
you cannot resuscitate that which you killed with slow neglect

the long pause

logy and lurching towards cognition  
fumbling past definition in the morning after mood
partitioned by regret and contrition
sleep serene in the exhaustion
on the other side of exquisite anxiety
slumber in the nonpareil of nonchalance
wherein the vault of all your fucks is empty
your bank devoid of cash has crashed
i was never revolutionary
i worked for change but always incrementally
i did not see that those opposed had no such qualms
that they would happily take up arms against the defenseless

so now i
who never dreamt i'd dream of a putsch before we screwed the pooch
do muse upon a coup d'etat as though it were a la-di-dah
sad for what we've lost
sadder still for the cost