snippets and thoughts and stuff what i wrote

Friday, June 30, 2017

Madverse Prompt: out of the wasteland, scattered among, sacred & profane

scattered among the ramshackle graveyard
of rotting wood & broken stone
of angels eroding into demons
here between the sacred & profane
those dusty knights were slain
rode out of the wasteland and into death
for the smile of woman they never even saw
for the whisper of soft & silken drawers
dropped in the capitol beyond their ken
but still they marched & fought & died
these the King's loyal men 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

I never really knew before
the old wives tale was true
that going through a break-up
could break your heart in two
120/70 my rate back before we met
now blood pressure escalated
and from whence I can date it

but my only conjecture
despite the doctor's lecture...
the only thing that changed
is that we became estranged

Monday, June 12, 2017

SenseWrds Prompt: patient, belonging, minute

placid as a lake
on a windless day
she waits
through all of time
as it were
the click of a clock hand
for one
who will take her hand
and tell her
she is home

Friday, June 02, 2017

MadVerse: virtue of audacity, breaking the sky, drowning in ink

writer in a rainstorm
petrichor at midnight
thunder shudders breaking the sky
in bolts of galvanized dust
illuminating the thick droplets
as they start to fall on gossamer wings
somehow still flapping
with the virtue of audacity
darting through heaven's tears
threatening a drowning in ink
should we fall into cliche again