snippets and thoughts and stuff what i wrote

Sunday, June 05, 2011


oh how i long for a place of my own
a home
a hearth
a welcome mat
with maybe a dog
or maybe a cat
where each little accent
lends a personal touch
where all my things
can find their own niche
my bookshelves and books
my nicknacks
my photos
my paintings and things
untempered and uncrowded 
by others belongings
the dishes in the sink 
would only be mine
the messes would always get cleaned
just calm and beauty
and piece of mind
i would surround myself
with flowers and candles
and all good things

oh how i long for a place of my own
which one day i can share
with a man of my choosing
a dog or a cat
and a child or two
if we dare
where each little accent
lends a personal touch
where all our things
can find their own niche
our bookshelves and books
my nicknacks, his too
family photos
children's paintings and toys
cluttered and crowded 
by mixed up belongings
the dishes in the sink 
would sometimes o'erflow
the messes would sometimes get cleaned
just chaos and beauty
and bewildered excitement
i would surround myself
with people and love
and all good things

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